Services & Prices
Single Lessons $98
30 minute private or 60 minute group horseback riding lessons on a TES school horse. Western, English, Jumping and Dressage lessons. All beginning riders start in private lessons with a Western saddle. Group lessons are reserved for intermediate and advanced riders. Because we limit the number of times horses jump per week, jumping on school horses is only availabe in group lessons. Back to back lessons may be booked if rider wishes to ride for one hour.

Lesson Subscription $369 per month
Monthly subscription for 4 riding lessons (private or group) to be used in 31 days. Month to month - can be canceled at any time. Multiple monthly subscriptions may be purchase if a rider wishes to ride several times a week. A monthly subscription is required for if rider wishes to have a reserve time (specific day and time held for a rider each week).

One Day a Week Lease $420
A wonderful opportunity to grow the bond between horse and rider. The lease includes 4 riding lessons per month on the same day & time each week, the rider's name on their horse's stall sign, and an opportunity to spend time outside of the arena, grooming, bathing, hand walking and grazing their horse. Rider may purchase multiple leases if they would like to lease more days per week. Unlike other facilities, TES leases are month to month and a replacement horse will be provided if needed. By approval only. Some restrictions apply.

Tack Class $0
Learn how to halter, groom, saddle and bridle a horse. The class is free and may be repeated. Even though we do not charge for tack class, you will need to create an online account and register as we limit the class to 5 people. Offer Sunday afternoons at 2:30 and Tuesday evenings at 6.
Single Own Horse Lesson $65
30 minute private or 60 minute group horseback riding lessons on your privately owned horse. Western, English, Jumping and Dressage lessons. Group lessons are reserved for intermediate and advanced riders. Privately owned horses may jump in private lessons or groups. No jumping at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center is permitted outside of lessons. Back to back lessons may be booked if rider wishes to ride for one hour.

Own Horse Lesson Subscription $240
Monthly subscription for 4 lessons per month on your privately owned horse. Must be used within 31 days from date of purchase. Month to month. May be used for 30 minute private or 60 minute group lessons. Multiple subscriptions may be purchased per month.

Private Horse Services
TES grooms are available to provide a customized service plan for your horse including feeding, refilling water buckets, and dispensing medication. Owner must provide feed, suplements and medication. Please contact the office for a customized service plan.
Horseback Riding Camp
$152 one day camps
$699 one week camps
Offered throughout the year, TES has weekly camps during school breaks: summer, Thanksgiving, winter, spring and one day camps on school holidays for 6-12 year olds. Mornings include 3 activities: horseback riding, horse themed craft and learning about horse care. After lunch we feed horse, play games, enjoy water play, create crafts and learn more about horses. Perfect for children with no riding experience. Advanced riding group offered for current TES students. Weeklong camps must be purchased for the full week.

Pony Birthday Parties $500-$700
Give your child a birthday they will always remember. Our two hour parties are limited to 15 children and offer a fully immersive experience. Children will ride a pony led by a wrangler, enjoy a horse themed craft, tour our barn, feed horses, and groom a pony. Children must be at least 4 years of age to ride. Perfect for ages 4-11.

Girl Scout Horseback Riding Badge
$65 per scout
TES is owned by a Girl Scout leader and offers a discounted program for Scouts wishing to earn their horseback riding badge. The 2 hour program includes learning about horsecare, grooming and horseback riding. 4-12 Scouts may participate per day. Larger troops may be split over 2 days. Offered Tuesday - Friday from 4-6 p.m. and Saturday afternoons.
TES offers a program for Boy Scout merit badges. Because the Boy Scout program has more requirements, a custom program will be tailored based on the skill of the participants. Boy Scouts are afforded the same discounted rate as Girl Scouts.